Pérez, F., Lavandero, N., Ossa, C. G., Hinojosa, L. F., Jara-Arancio, P., & Arroyo, M. T. K. (2020)
Divergence in Plant Traits and Increased Modularity Underlie Repeated Transitions Between Low and High Elevations in the Andean Genus Leucheria
Gutiérrez, N. M., Pino, J. P., Le Roux, J. P., Pedroza, V., Oyarzun, J. L., & Hinojosa, L. F. (2019)
An Oligocene microthermal forest dominated by Nothofagus in Sierra Baguales, Chilean Patagonia: Response to global cooling and tectonic events.
Elgueta, AV; Hinojosa, LF; Perez, MF; Peralta, G; Rodriguez, MU. (2019)
Genetic and phenotypic diversity in 2000 years old maize (Zea mays L.) samples from the Tarapacá region, Atacama Desert, Chile
Yamada, T; Yamada, TF; Terada, K; Ohsawa, TA; Yabe, A; Legrand, J; Uemura, K; Leppe, M; Hinojosa, LF; Lopez-Sepulveda, P; Nishida, H (2019)
Sueria laxinervis, a new fossil species of Cycadales from the Upper Cretaceous Quiriquina Formation in Cocholgüe, Bíobío Region, Chile
Glade, N. S., Hinojosa, L. F., & Leppe, M. (2018).
Evolution of climatic related leaf traits in the family Nothofagaceae
Bacon, C.D; Velásquez-Puentes, F; Hinojosa, L.F; Schwartz, T; Oxelman, B; Pfeil, B; Arroyo, M.T.K; Wanntorp, L. & Antonelli, A. (2018)
Evolutionary persistence in Gunnera and the contribution of southern plant groups to the tropical Andes biodiversity hotspot (2018)
Perez, F; Hinojosa, L.F.; Peralta, G; Montenegro, P; Irarrazabal, C; Cossio, M (2017)
Genetic Patterns of Myrceugenia correifolia, a Rare Species of Fog-Dependent Forests of Mediterranean Chile: Is It a Climatic Relict? (2017)
Gutierrez, N.M; Le Roux, J.P; Vasquez, A; Carreño, C; Pedroza, V; Araos, J; Oyarzun, J.L; Pino, J.P; Rivera, H.A. & Hinojosa, L.F. (2017)
Tectonic events reflected by palaeocurrents, zircon geochronology, and palaeobotany in the Sierra Baguales of Chilean Patagonia. (2017)
Hinojosa, L.F; Gaxiola A; Pérez, F; Carvajal, F., Campano, M.F; Quattrocchio, M; Nishida, H; Uemura, K; Yabe, A; Bustamante, R. & Arroyo, M.T.K. (2016)
Non-congruent fossil and phylogenetic evidence on the evolution of climatic niche in the Gondwana genus Nothofagus. (2016)
Ohsawa, T; Yabe, A; Yamada, T; Uemura, K; Terada, K; Leppe, M; Hinojosa, L.F; Nishida, H. (2016)
Araucarian leaves and cone scales from the Loreto Formation of Río de Las Minas, Magellan Region, Chile. (2016)
Abarzúa, A; Vargas, C; Jarpa, L; Gutiérrez, N.M; Hinojosa, L.F.; Paula, S. (2016)
Evidence of Neogene wildfires in central Chile: charcoal records from the Navidad Formation. (2016)
Lusk, C; Jimenez-Castillo, M; Aragon, R; Easdale, T; Poorter, L; Hinojosa, L.F. & Mason, N. (2016).
Testing for functional convergence of temperate rainforest tree assemblages in Chile and New Zealand. (2016)
Le Roux, J. P; Gutierrez, N.M; Hinojosa, L.F; Pedroza, V; Becerra, J. (2014)
Reply to Comment of Encinas et al. (2014) on: ‘Evidence for an Early-Middle Miocene age of the Navidad Formation (central Chile): Paleontological, climatic and tectonic implications’ of Gutierrez et al. (2013, Andean Geology 40 (1): 66-78). (2014)
Pérez, F; Irarrázabal C.C; Cossio, M; Peralta, G; Segovia, R; Bosshard, M & Hinojosa, L.F. (2014).
Microsatellite markers for the endangered shrub Myrceugenia rufa (Myrtaceae) and three closely related species. (2014)
Pérez, F; Hinojosa, L.F; Ossa, C.G; Campano, F; Orrego, F. (2014)
Decoupled evolution of foliar freezing resistance, temperature-niche and morphological leaf traits in Chilean Myrceugenia. (2014)
Jara-Arancio, P; Arroyo, M.T.K; Guerrero, PC; Hinojosa, L.F; Arancio, G. & Méndez, M.A. (2014)
Phylogenetic perspectives on biome shifts in Leucocoryne (Alliaceae) in relation to climatic niche evolution in western South America. (2014)
Quattrochio, M; Martínez, M; Hinojosa, L.F. & Jaramillo, C. (2013).
Quantitative analysis of Cenozoic palynofloras from Patagonia (southern South America). (2013)
Segovia, R; Hinojosa, L.F; Pérez, M.F. & Hawkins, B. (2013).
Biogeographic anomalies in the species richness of Chilean forests: Incorporating evolution into a climatic – historic scenario. (2013)
Gutiérrez, N.M; Hinojosa, L.F; Le Roux, J. & Pedroza, V. (2013)
Evidence for an Early-Middle Miocene age of the Navidad Formation (central Chile): Paleontological, paleoclimatic and tectonic implications. (2013)
Le Roux, J.P; Gutiérrez, N.M; Hinojosa, L.F; Pedroza, V; Becerra, J. (2013)
Reply to Comment of Finger et al. (2013) on: ‘Evidence for an Early-Middle Miocene age of the Navidad Formation (central Chile): Paleontological, paleoclimatic and tectonic implications’ of Gutiérrez et al. (2013, Andean Geology 40 (1): 66-78). (2013)
Segovia, R; Pérez, F. & Hinojosa, L.F. (2012)
Genetic evidence for glacial refugia of the temperate tree Eucryphia cordifolia (Cunoniaceae) in southern South America. (2012)
Hinojosa, L.F; Pérez, M.F; Gaxiola, A. & Sandoval, I. (2011)
Historical and phylogenetic constraints in leaf margin: new insights from a South American model. (2011)
Daniel J. Peppe, Dana L. Royer, Bárbara Cariglino, Sofia Y. Oliver, Sharon Newman, Elias Leight, Grisha Enikolopov, Margo Fernandez-Burgos, Fabiany Herrera, Jonathan M. Adams, Edwin Correa, Ellen D. Currano, J. Mark Erickson, Luis Felipe Hinojosa, John W. Hoganson, Ari Iglesias, Carlos A. Jaramillo, Kirk R. Johnson, Gregory J. Jordan, Nathan J. B. Kraft, Elizabeth C. Lovelock, Christopher H. Lusk, Ülo Niinemets, Josep Peñuelas, Gillian Rapson, Scott L. Wing and Ian J. Wright. (2011).
Sensitivity of leaf size and shape to climate: global patterns and palaeoclimatic applications. New Phytologist. (2011)
Barreda, V; Encinas, A. & Hinojosa, L.F. (2011)
Polen y esporas de la Formación Navidad, Neógeno de Chile. (2011)
Figueroa, J; Cabrera, H.M; Queirolo, C. & Hinojosa, L.F. (2010).
Variability of water relations and photosynthesis in Eucryphia cordifolia Cav (Cunoniaceae) over the range of its latitudinal distribution in Chile. (2010)
Anic, V; Hinojosa, L.F; Díaz-Forester, J; Bustamante, E; De la fuente, L.M; Casale, J.F; De la Harpe JP; Montenegro G and Ginocchio R. (2010).
Influence of soil chemical variables and altitude on the distribution of high-alpine plants: The case of the Andes of central Chile. (2010)
Márquez-García, M; Vila, I; Hinojosa, L.F; Méndez, M.A; Carvajal, J.L & Sabando, M.C. (2009).
Distribution and seasonal fluctuations in the aquatic biodiversity of the southern Altiplano. (2009)
Dilcher, D.L; Kowalski, E.A; Wiemann, M.C; Hinojosa, L.F. & Lott, T.A. (2009).
A climatic and taxonomic comparison between leaf litter and standing vegetation from a florida swamp woodland. (2009)
Oyanedel, J.P; Vega-Retter, C; Scott, S; Hinojosa, L.F; Ramos-Jiliberto, R. (2008).
Finding patterns of distribution for freshwater phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish, by means of parsimony analysis of endemicity. (2008)
Hinojosa, L.F; Armesto, J.J. & Villagrán C. (2006)
Are Chilean Coastal Rain Forests Pre-Pleistocene Relicts? Evidence from foliar physiognomy, paleoclimate, and paleobiogeography. (2006)
Hershkovitz, M.A; Arroyo, M.T.K; Bell, C. & Hinojosa, L.F. (2006)
Phylogeny of Chaetanthera (Asteraceae: Mutiseae) reveals both ancient and recent origins of the high elevation lineages. (2006)
Hinojosa, L.F. (2005).
Cambios climáticos y vegetacionales inferidos a partir de paleofloras cenozoicas del sur de Sudamérica. (2005)
Gayó E; Hinojosa, L.F. & Villagrán, C. (2005)
On the persistence of Tropical Paleofloras in Central Chile during the Early Eocene. (2005).
Hinojosa, L.F. & Villagrán, C. (2005).
Did the South American Mixed Paleofloras evolve under thermal equability or in the absence of The Andes during the Tertiary? (2005)
Villagrán, C; Villa, R; Hinojosa, L.F; Sanchez, G; Romo, M; Maldonado, A; Cavieres, L; Latorre, C; Cuevas, J; Castro, S; Papic, C. & Valenzuela, A. (1999)
Etnozoología Mapuche: Un estudio preliminar. (1999)
Wiemann, M; Manchester, S; Dilcher, D; Hinojosa, L.F. & Wheeler, E. (1998)
Estimation of temperature and precipitation from morphological characters of dicotyledonous leaves. (1998)
Villagrán, C; Le-Quesne, C; Aravena, J.C; Jimenez, H. & Hinojosa, L.F. (1998).
El Rol de los cambios de clima del Cuaternario en la distribución actual de la vegetación de Chile central-sur. Bamberger Geographische Schriften (1998)
Hinojosa, L.F. & Villagrán, C. (1997)
Historia de los bosques del sur de Sudamérica, I: Revisión de los antecedentes geológicos, climáticos y paleobotánicos Terciarios del sur de Sudamérica. (1997)
Villagrán, C. & Hinojosa, L.F. (1997)
Historia de los bosques del sur de Sudamérica, II: Análisis fitogeográfico de la flora. (1997)
Paez, M.M; Villagrán, Stutz, S; Hinojosa, L.F & Villa, R. (1997)
Vegetation and pollen dispersal in the subtropical-temperate climatic transition of Chile and Argentina. (1997)